July 05, 2008

The Soul of Seeker...

Seeker is a man that shall not stop searching... Throughout his life...
He was born the way he is...
While he is seeking, he forges dreams in all their splendor... He is not a dreamer... Yet he seeks dreams throughout his life.

"What does he seek? How will he find? What does he seek?"

"Of all things in this world...
The most meaningful of all are dreams...
Woven by the very fabric of beings..."

"Seeker... My dear beloved seeker... How many dreams have you gone through... Do you not see reality in your life?"

"I see... I see... Believe me I see...
Reality is as reality does,
Yet does it not occur to you dreams are real...?"

"Should you fail, Seeker? Should your dreams fly? Should reality overcome?"

"No matter, no matter...
I have so much to do yet so little time,
Should I fail, I will try again,
Should my dreams fly, I will traverse the lands and oceans to recapture,
Should reality overcome, I will close my eyes and weave my dreams...
Dreams are all my purpose in life,
I shall not stop..."

"Why dreams, Seeker? Why?"

"Dreams are the essence of a man...
They are the very fiber of my being in this world...
Only in dreams shall I be alive..."

"Persistence, Seeker? Persistence?"

"No, fellow, you are mistaken... Purpose, dear fellow, purpose...
A man cannot live without purpose in this world..."


"I have a purpose, so I have the will to live...
Because even as I fail, as my dreams shatter, as time flies by... I seek...
Because I love... Therefore my dreams will come true..."


"Yes. Simply love. I dream because I love. Although dreams shatter I will not stop...
And let that be the purpose in my life, to exist solely in the name of love..."

Seeker is the soul of a man who shall not stop searching for dreams. He shall never stop searching throughout his life.... Because he simply is... Seeker...

November 30, 2006

On convictions

It is difficult to hold your head up and stand by your convictions.
So many times I am on the verge of tears.
So many times I am tempted to leave these behind and leave, simply leave...
But I made a promise to stand by myself,
So I stand still.
Is it me?
Is it life?
I will never know.
All I hope is for myself to be strong enough to shoulder all these.
I wish to God, I whisper,
"Please, God, keep my feet on the ground, give me strength..."
And then...
I close my eyes...

October 18, 2006

A bedtime story...

I once knew a friend,
So dear to my heart so near to my soul,
She came to me, crying she poured out her feelings...

"I know not what to do,
I loved this person so deep so true,
Yet I receive no answer...

Someone so close yet so far,
I know the person yet I know not all,
I am along every step taken,

Someone who would never accept me for who I am,
For fear that I am inadequate,
For fear that I am wrong,
For fear that I am insufficient...

Why, I ask...
Should not I be the one you most loved?
Above all, above everything else?
Should not I be your everything?
Your wish,
Your happiness,
Your friend?

Should you not try to make me happy?
Should you not try to make me content?
Should you not try to be proud for who I am?
Should you not try to put your confidence in me?

Should you answer "NO,"
Pray tell me, then,
How am I supposed to live?
For I love you so dearly, so tenderly...

How am I supposed to be with you along the way?
How am I supposed to believe in you?
How am I supposed to have faith in you?

Why let people who do not know judge?
Why betray me merely based on what they say?
Why lost faith and love merely based on their thoughts?

Listen to me...
I love you,
I love you so much that
Even as the sky falls and the earth opens
I will stand by you...

Nothing in this world will change my mind on you,
You are beautiful to me,
You are precious to me,
You are talented to me,
You are noble to me,

Please do not say "NO"...
I know you...
For I am...


(Dedicated to everyone who lost faith and confidence in themselves... You are the only master of yourselves because you are precious and worthy regardless of what everyone else thinks... May your light shines and your radiance shows, just as God intended...)

September 30, 2006

To be contemplated...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Nelson Mandela

August 31, 2006

On life...

Ups and downs
Live with it...

July 29, 2006

Let me be...

Let me be...

the words that compose your poem,
the notes that compose your music,
the light that shines your way,
the warmth that you seek,
the music to your ears,
the hand that enclosed yours,
the sweet kiss on your cheek,
the gentle whisper that you hear,
the joy that you find,
the love you find,
the song that you sing,
the person you love,
the happiness that you desire,
the peace that you dream,
the dream that you embrace,
the wings that protect you,
the tears that you shed,
the smile on your face...

Most importantly,
let me be your friend,
in sickness and in health,
for better or worse,
till infinity...

I shall not give you up nor shall I give up on you,
My friend...

On Adventures...

It is the warm feeling that you give,
Whenever you're near...
It is the freedom you give,
Whenever you're near...

My wings were broken,
Yet you gave it back to me,
You are the words,
That compose my poem,
You are the notes,
That compose my music,
You are the sweet breeze of the wind,
That calms me,
You are,
My beloved friend...

(Dedicated to A. J. S. for all the wonderful adventures we share...)

June 12, 2006

On imagination...

So many wondered why I am very infatuated with animation.

"It isn't real!"
"How old are you?"
"Not again..."

Nonetheless, animations, cartoons, and all members of the genre mean a lot to me more than anyone can imagine. They made me a sanctuary.

The beauty of animation, the storyline, the characters, the settings, anything never failed to cheer me up even in my most dire times.

It reminded me of something that otherwise I would have forgotten long ago. It continuously teaches me about a subject I would have forgotten otherwise. It teaches me to dream, to imagine, and to embrace the imagination...

Yes, I am aware that I am a full-fledged adult with all my responsibilities. Yes, I am aware that I can't live in dreams. But you know... I need to rest every now and then. To relax, to forget about reality and venture into my world, my sanctuary... And, yet, you wonder...

The answer is simply...

"Because in animation the magic becomes real...
It is a realm where anything is possible...
That you can do anything you could ever dreamed of and it will all make sense...
One true place where dreams and imaginations come alive with you..."

(Dedicated to all people who made animations possible)