April 28, 2005

Can You...?

"Can you live without me?"

If I said I could, would you believe me?
If I said I could not, would you think of me as a weakling?
Truth is, I can never answer you,
Truth is, I will be sad,
Truth is, I will go on,
Truth is, I will not forget about you,
Truth is, I will always think about you, but,
Truth is, I will go on in memory of you...

"Are you scared of not being with me?"

If I said I were, would you believe me?
If I said I were not, would you think of me as an apathetic person?
Truth is, I can never answer you,
Truth is, I will be afraid,
Truth is, I will go on,
Truth is, I will try to be strong,
Truth is, I will always think about you, but,
Truth is, I will go on in memory of you...

"Will you be lonely when I am gone?"

If I said I would, would you believe me?
If I said I would not, would you forgive me?
Truth us, I can never answer you,
Truth is, I will be lonely,
Truth is, I will go on,
Truth is, I will try to be occupied with things,
Truth is, I will always think about you, but,
Truth is, I will go on in memory of you...

There are so many things I could not answer in life,
Yet, I promise that I will honor the solemn oath I pledged long time ago,
I will continue to honor the memory and the values and the lessons you gave me,
I will continue to go on,
I will try my best to be strong,
Not because I want to forget you,
But because I know that,
As long as I live,
There will be someone who will keep your memories alive, and, thus,
You will live forever...

(Dedicated to my parents without whose love I could never even dream of thriving in life...)

April 20, 2005

Be Strong...

When you said "I could not," you broke the hearts of those people who love you dearly,
When you said "I regret," you wiped out the smiles of those who love you dearly,
When you said "I cried," you brought tears to the eyes of those who love you dearly,
When you said "I am sad," you eclipsed the sun in the world of those who love you dearly.

Doesn't our feelings mean something to you?
Doesn't our companionship mean anything to you?

We would stand by you through good and bad times,
If only you'd let us do so,
We would never give up on you no matter how bad things might seem,
If only you'd believe in us.

Please be courageous...
Because we are waiting for you to smile again,
We only want you to be happy,
So please smile,
Please move on,
Don't let our wish go to waste,
Please tell us the one thing we wanted to hear so badly,
That our wish means something,
That we mean something to you,
That we love you,
And that you love us in return...