The Soul of Seeker...
Seeker is a man that shall not stop searching... Throughout his life...
He was born the way he is...
While he is seeking, he forges dreams in all their splendor... He is not a dreamer... Yet he seeks dreams throughout his life.
"What does he seek? How will he find? What does he seek?"
"Of all things in this world...
The most meaningful of all are dreams...
Woven by the very fabric of beings..."
"Seeker... My dear beloved seeker... How many dreams have you gone through... Do you not see reality in your life?"
"I see... I see... Believe me I see...
Reality is as reality does,
Yet does it not occur to you dreams are real...?"
"Should you fail, Seeker? Should your dreams fly? Should reality overcome?"
"No matter, no matter...
I have so much to do yet so little time,
Should I fail, I will try again,
Should my dreams fly, I will traverse the lands and oceans to recapture,
Should reality overcome, I will close my eyes and weave my dreams...
Dreams are all my purpose in life,
I shall not stop..."
"Why dreams, Seeker? Why?"
"Dreams are the essence of a man...
They are the very fiber of my being in this world...
Only in dreams shall I be alive..."
"Persistence, Seeker? Persistence?"
"No, fellow, you are mistaken... Purpose, dear fellow, purpose...
A man cannot live without purpose in this world..."
"I have a purpose, so I have the will to live...
Because even as I fail, as my dreams shatter, as time flies by... I seek...
Because I love... Therefore my dreams will come true..."
"Yes. Simply love. I dream because I love. Although dreams shatter I will not stop...
And let that be the purpose in my life, to exist solely in the name of love..."
Seeker is the soul of a man who shall not stop searching for dreams. He shall never stop searching throughout his life.... Because he simply is... Seeker...
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