January 04, 2006

The Strength...

I made a wish once.
I made it with my purest thought.
I made it with my strongest faith.
I made it with my highest hope.

It was supposed to be my most beautiful dream, should it ever come true. A dream I never thought of giving up. A lover's dream that stayed still for all eternity. A dream most beautiful, most sincere. A dream worth fighting for. A dream to die for. And, most of all, a dream that forever in it I shall never wake up.

What I have always wished for is to fall in love.
To fall in a love so sincere, so deep, so intense.
A love so unconditional that nothing can stand in its way.
A love deprived of all rationale that only two left, you and I.

How I wished to find that love. How I wished to be encapsulated in its warmth and depth. How I wished that time would stop that I could savor each and every moment spent. How I wished that love existed. How I wished to be the one chosen to feel that way.

Time, however, had showed me.
Such love was so rare, if even it existed at all.
I faced so many instances in the real world.
The cold, hard, truth that my dream could be nothing more than mere dreams.

Now I stand here. Amidst my own uncertainties. Amidst my own hopelessness. Amidst my own doubts. Do please tell, should I or should not I relinquish the dream? Do please tell me, should I or should not I let go of my dream? And do please tell, should I or should not I stop waiting?


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